Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer again

Here we are, knocking on the door of summer vacation. I've got a dwindling pile of books on my table for kids to take out for the summer. I'm hoping that this is the year the books really make the rounds of at least three kids before getting forgotten on a bookshelf. I didn't purchase many new books this year, but everything that came back from last summer and a few new ones are rapidly being snapped up by eager readers. I recently read one that I really liked - Book 1 in a new series called The Books of Elsewhere: The Shadows by Jacqueline West. I actually liked this one enough to finish it. That's saying something for someone trying to recommend more books than I can possibly finish before school gets out next week. Its a little scary, but at least the main character starts and finishes with both of her parents - that's not a given in a kids book. Talking cats, pictures you can crawl into, what's not to like. I'll try to post as I tackle more books, but this summer I'm actually trying to read some grownup books. I'm currently working on Cutting for Stone and really enjoying it.

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