Wednesday, June 11, 2008

All the books are out there now!!!

The good news is, all the books have been taken!!! Hooray! The bad news is, all the books are taken. My best advice if you're interested in a particular book is to post that you'd like to read it when its current owner is done. I'm not promising that you'll always get the book you ask for, but its certainly worth the effort. Not every kid is going to enjoy every book and every book isn't necessarily appropriate for every kid. There are 35 books out there for the sharing. Two of them are really really special picture books and thus can be shared even more frequently. Try really hard to get a day with either The Wave or Varmints. It will be worth your time. Your book comments really warm my heart. Nothing pleases me more than to have successfully paired a book with a reader. Thanks. Happy summer reading.

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